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Renewable Energy Communities

Renewable Energy Communities

Self-production of energy represents a crucial step towards the energy transition and offers a concrete solution for building a more sustainable future.

Renewable Energy Communities and Local Energy Communities are two emerging realities that are redefining the way energy is produced and consumed, leading to a transformation of the national electricity system.

Renewable Energy Communities (C.E.R.): What are they and how do they work?

Renewable Energy Communities (C.E.R.) are forms of collective self-consumption in which members (prosumers) produce energy from renewable sources for their own needs and share the excess energy with other consumers (consumers) in a collaborative manner. Anyone can become part of an energy community, even those without a production facility.

Local Energy Communities (G.A.C.): What is it and how does it work?

Local Energy Communities (G.A.C.) consists of at least two self-consumers located within the same building or defined boundaries (such as a condominium, consortium, or shopping center) who decide to act together to produce renewable energy for their own consumption, storing or selling the excess energy.

Benefits and incentives

Through a virtuous mechanism, Renewable Energy Communities or Local Energy Communities benefit from a valorization and incentive service that regulates the recognition of a unitary compensation and a premium incentive based on the shared energy. Additionally, they can benefit from the service of electricity withdrawal from the grid and take advantage of tax deductions.

Both forms of self-consumption are examples of how citizens can actively drive the energy transition towards a collaborative and cost-effective system that encourages sustainability.

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